Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Reminiscing the Past

I know it’s been a really long time since my last post, and how can I help? What with the colleges trying to suck the life out of me and then again the college internals to take the rest of my waking time…I seriously couldn’t get in the mood to write.
But just because I am not writing does not mean that I am not thinking, and the problem with us bloggers is that if the thoughts are not shared then it keeps on growing and growing till our head bursts.
Thus, breaking the radio silence, here’s the post.
Have you ever met someone suddenly after a number of years and even though you don’t remember his name you remember his face? Well let’s say that I get into this situation very often and most of the times it is really embarrassing as they turn out to be classmates till very recently (recently as in till my 12th standard and I am a real sucker at remembering names).
Just today when I came back for a short visit to my hometown, I met a guy at the station and though I knew his face, I couldn’t really put a name to it. Well, I thought,” Here I go again…” and tried to sneak out of the station real stealthily. But when something bad can happen, it always happens… So this guy calls me by my name (why don’t they ever forget my name?) and says,”You remember me right?” And there began another day of embarrassment. We go out to the CCD nearest to us and then starting reminiscing the past and going down the memory lane. Meanwhile I keep trying to remember his name. I just go on nodding my head and saying,” Ya, do you really believe it happened.” Or “that was so funny dude” (though I really cannot remember his name). After an hour and half, which cost me 350 rupees, he asks me,” you don’t remember my name na?” and I was caught…I said I didn’t remember his name and all that guy could say was ”Chutya”.
He laughed, I laughed, then he left and so did I but I still didn’t get his name!

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