Wednesday, October 31, 2012

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Websites Developed(in a few cases designed) By Me!

I had started with Fiverr in February 2012 as a way to pass time and also get a little extra money. I had then got my Paypal account and got it verified. I was so excited the day I got the first $3.89 in my Paypal account(I started receiving orders the very same day as when I had created the gig)!

Today, I was just listing all the websites I have created, designed or developed for making a portfolio and I realized there was 38 websites! Around 4 websites per month!!

I could have probably taken a few more jobs, but I always stop working when I feel like my personal life is getting suffocated by work. Lets see whether I can reach 50 websites by February 2013.

Now for the update of the month:

I had last posted an update on October 19th about my earnings. You can visit that post via this link.

Since October 19th till today, October 31st, I have earned another $412.5

And before October 15th, my earning was $247 from all my income sources online.

So then, the total for this month is $789.5 rounding off to $789! Quite impressive but not to my satisfaction! :(

If you add my offline income from my day job of Rs 23500 in hand (after all the deductions), the total is $1240 approximately. Close but not there yet. However the goal is to reach the target via online income only!

The goal is at $1500.

So guys, any words? Use the comment to start a discussion. Everybody reading the post, what is the first thought that cam to your mind after you read this post?


  1. Very happy to see this. Just ensure you do not compromise your health. Who knows, I may just have a website designed by you!


    1. Thanks a lot! And don't worry, I never compromise on my health..

      Keep reading the blog! Though I'll moving on to a new domain soon! ;)

    2. Really? Name all the websites you have and I'll tell you if I have had any dealings with it!

  2. Do keep me posted when you shift to the new domain. So, what will you do with all this money? Car, house, marriage ... ???

  3. I wouldn't suggest that. Markets are tough already and they are bound to get tougher in the days ahead. The L&T brand will be very helpful for you in the future, mark my words. Don't quit so early even if you start earning much more than what you have set as your target. I must say, though, that it is extremely heartening to see bright young kids like you trying to fight it out in several directions simultaneously.

    By the way, which phone do you use? I use a Lumia and I must say I am extremely satisfied in spite of the general (and wrong, I may add) concepts about Windows phones.


    1. Ah! I use a Nokia E63. Had bought it when I first started earning by writing articles 3 years back!

      By the way Arka, how do I know you? Or you me?

  4. E63? Good phone, but I think you should now switch over to something better, more so because your passion needs you to stay connected all the way. Seems you have been interested in earning for yourself from a very young age. What articles did you write? Do you still write in addition to your blogs? I must say that I am getting more and more impressed ... not that I wasn't earlier. :-) Your parents must be very proud of you.

    How do I know you? Well, I chanced upon your blogs and got curious. Curiosity soon gave way to admiration. I am much older than you. I am not a techie (I am an engineer, though) in your sense of the term, but I do try to keep pace with the latest trends. You can write to me at It will be as much a pleasure for me as it will be enlightening, I am sure.

    Best wishes

  5. You may like to watch this digital movie.

    Best wishes
